
Friday, 8 March 2013

Today Is International Women's Day: Respect To All Women.

Today we celebrate an aspect of humanity which has helped to make perfect, God’s work of creation. Today we celebrate women, helpers, home makers, leaders, motivators, supporters, movers and shakers and those whose comforting words have made our earthly existence better. But specially, my heart and warm greetings go out to those who have been victims of violence, molestation, intimate harassment and any form of degradation or discrimination. It is my fervent prayer that the society becomes less accommodating to issues of feminine abuse.

May all men on this day accord their wives, daughters, sisters, aunties etc the needed respect. Acknowledge their effort at making the world a complete place, at making your homes peaceful and full of love. It is also my fervent prayer that God should also bless us with the best that womanhood has to offer. They are beautiful, they are warm, they are homely, and they are women!

Let us all condemn molestation, intimate harassment, paedophilia discrimination or any form of violent action against women. They deserve all the respect they can get, they deserve all the love we can muster, they deserve the best that we men also enjoy. To all the women in my life; my mother, my lovely sisters, my cousins, colleagues and all my female friends, you all deserve the best. Happy international women’s day!!


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