
Saturday 30 March 2013

L&S: Stress- The 21st Century Silent Killer

What is the
best way to reduce stress? Evaluate and identify the
things in your life that are causing it. The first step is
to modify your lifestyle so you can improve your
ability to handle stress. The three pillars of good
health include eating a healthy diet, participating in
a fitness program/be active in your lifestyle and
getting quality sleep. Proper nutrition is crucial to
keeping your body and hormones balanced.
Processed foods and excess chemicals will cause
blood sugar levels to fluctuate and cause the body to
secrete excess cortisol. Though a critical hormone,
cortisol also contributes to weight gain and weight
loss resistance. There is a large amount of dietary
supplements aimed at people with fatigue/stress.
You should not expect to fix the underlying problem
of physical, mental and chemical stress by taking
nutritional supplements alone. You would be wasting
your money without addressing and improving the
core pillars of how the body responds to stress
naturally. The main nutritional supplements that can
help adrenal fatigue are omega-3 fatty acids,
magnesium and vitamins A, B, C and D. They can
help to strengthen your system and improve your
overall health. Additional recommendations include
avoiding caffeine and sugar. These products are
commonly taken as a short-term boost of energy but
have been found to place unneeded stress on your
adrenal glands over time. Most of all, hormone
balance is critical to maintaining adrenal health.
Hormone problems are very common and get worse
as we age, go through menopause and never address
the underlying problems. One of the best ways to
maintain and balance hormones is exercise. A well-
known stress reducer and bodily detoxifier, exercise
has been found to be more effective than
antidepressants in improving mood. lifestyle
improvements are the key to improvement.

Make a plan for change and try not to stress
out about it. Poor lifestyle habits are generally
learned over years or decades and are commonly
influenced by one's family, community and culture.
One must systematically and consistently apply new
ways of thinking, acting and applying to achieve
healthier choices. The important message is that
regardless of your health condition, you can take
corrective steps to balance hormones, restore
energy, reduce body aches, suppress fatigue,
strengthen immunity and improve good quality of
sleep. Take responsibility, correct your course and
achieve results.


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